iwconfig - check wireless setup
dmesg - query a USB device, plug it in a type this command
lspci - chipset interrogation
lsusb - as above
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Configure Open SSH securely
Modify config in /etc/ssh or ssh_config to disable support for legacy protocols. Look for the 'Protocol 2,1' line and remove the ver 1 protocol.
Also set 'PermitRootLogin no' and 'MaxAuthTries 3'
After the changes have been made run:
service ssh restart
View attack activity by looking at /var/log/auth. If you see a particular IP that keeps attacking, put an entry in /etc/hosts.deny
You can automate this process by installing the DenyHosts package. Edit it's config in /etc/denyhosts.conf and change DENY_THRESHOLD_INVALID from 5 to 2
Also set 'PermitRootLogin no' and 'MaxAuthTries 3'
After the changes have been made run:
service ssh restart
View attack activity by looking at /var/log/auth. If you see a particular IP that keeps attacking, put an entry in /etc/hosts.deny
You can automate this process by installing the DenyHosts package. Edit it's config in /etc/denyhosts.conf and change DENY_THRESHOLD_INVALID from 5 to 2
Quick port scan of a machine
Not installed by default on Ubuntu or Mint, use:
sudo apt-get install nmap
Not installed by default on Ubuntu or Mint, use:
sudo apt-get install nmap
Change hostname in linux
Using suitable privelages, navigate to /etc and edit the following files, replacing the default name with your desired machine name. Prefereably the FQDN.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Tika and Solr
To index Word, Excel, PDF and other "unstructured" documents, Solr uses Tika, another Apache project.
Tika comes bundled in Solr and is ready to run in Solr. However, if you want to run Tika individually you have to copy a few .jar files around.
cd [Your path]/apache-solr-nightly/lib cp commons-io-1.4.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar [Your path]/apache-solr-nightly/example/solr/lib cp ~/.m2/repository/org/jempbox/jempbox/0.2.0/jempbox-0.2.0.jar [Your path]/apache-solr-nightly/example/solr/lib
java -jar tika-0.2.jar
If you want to index Word, Excel, PDF, and other types of documents, there is a bit of additional configuration to do. To index those files types you have to get a nightly build of Solr from here, and copy some files and directories as described in the link at the end of this post. You have to add the following lines to example/solr/conf/solrconf.xml:
Monday, 28 June 2010
Bitnami Stacks
Just discovered these and they are pretty awesome. If you just want to test a Wordpress idea and don't want to build a whole VM then download a stack:
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Linux logs - just so I remember
Most logs are stored in the /var/log/ directory
Over a period of time log files grow too large and are rotated, with the older logs being compressed and appended with .gz
Rotation is handled by the logrotate utility which is governed by the /etc/logrotate.conf file
The /etc/logrotate.d directory contains configs for individual log files such as apt etc.
Over a period of time log files grow too large and are rotated, with the older logs being compressed and appended with .gz
Rotation is handled by the logrotate utility which is governed by the /etc/logrotate.conf file
The /etc/logrotate.d directory contains configs for individual log files such as apt etc.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Linux detective work
When looking at logs, if an attack has taken place and the IP can be discovered of the attacking machine, then it is possible to reverse trace the attacker and potentially find out their pc details, open ports, isp etc.
From linux, open a bash terminal:
dig -x
Where is an IP address. This command may return a pointer record. Next, try a whois:
This command should give the netblock owner, ISP etc. You can also try using the commands available at
Finally, try an nmap command:
nmap -O
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Determining free disk space in Linux
Just use the df command:
df /
df -P
will generate a usage table.
To just extract the 'used' portion:
df=($(LC_ALL=C df -P /)); echo "${df[11]}"
Email the report from a shell script:
df -h | mail -s “disk space report”
If you don't have mail installed, you can use sendmail, which would be:
df-h | sendmail
OR if you want to get the results of this (or any other linux command) in a pop up x window then first redirect the output of a command to a file:
df -h > otterlog.txt
Then open this file in a pop up:
xmessage -file otterlog.txt
df /
df -P
will generate a usage table.
To just extract the 'used' portion:
df=($(LC_ALL=C df -P /)); echo "${df[11]}"
Email the report from a shell script:
df -h | mail -s “disk space report”
If you don't have mail installed, you can use sendmail, which would be:
df-h | sendmail
OR if you want to get the results of this (or any other linux command) in a pop up x window then first redirect the output of a command to a file:
df -h > otterlog.txt
Then open this file in a pop up:
xmessage -file otterlog.txt
df -P,
free space,
hard disk,
linux disk space,
Useful Bash script stuff
When writing shell scripts it is sometimes useful to pop up a message in X or display a file, use the following to do so:
xmessage "this is my message"
xmessage -center "Hello World"
xmessage -center -file "opensomefile.txt"
xmessage "this is my message"
xmessage -center "Hello World"
xmessage -center -file "opensomefile.txt"
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Linux command lines I always forget!
Various list commands:
Normal - ls
Display dir contents (long format) - ls -l
Display dir contents (reverse) - ls -r
Display dir contents (hidden files) - ls -a
Directory creation:
mkdir folder1
Delete directory:
rmdir folder1
Delete directory and its contents:
rmdir -r folder1
Copy directories:
cp -r folder1 folder2
Move directory:
mv folder1 folder2
Delete file or directory:
rm /home/cheese.doc
View a file:
view xx (q to quit)
Show disk space:
df (see other posts on df)
Show all running processes:
ps aux
Copy a file to make a backup:
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorgbak.conf
Restore the backup:
cp /etc/X11/xorgbak.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Keep an eye on any hardware you plug into your Linux box
dmesg | tail -f
Modify the EXIM4 MTA on Ubuntu to mail to the outside world:
dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
Normal - ls
Display dir contents (long format) - ls -l
Display dir contents (reverse) - ls -r
Display dir contents (hidden files) - ls -a
Directory creation:
mkdir folder1
Delete directory:
rmdir folder1
Delete directory and its contents:
rmdir -r folder1
Copy directories:
cp -r folder1 folder2
Move directory:
mv folder1 folder2
Delete file or directory:
rm /home/cheese.doc
View a file:
view xx (q to quit)
Show disk space:
df (see other posts on df)
Show all running processes:
ps aux
Copy a file to make a backup:
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorgbak.conf
Restore the backup:
cp /etc/X11/xorgbak.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Keep an eye on any hardware you plug into your Linux box
dmesg | tail -f
Modify the EXIM4 MTA on Ubuntu to mail to the outside world:
dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
Linux APT commands
After initial install run:
sudo apt-get update
To update installed applications:
sudo apt-get upgrade
To install the 'cheese' package:
sudo apt-get install cheese
To remove the 'cheese' package:
sudo apt-get remove cheese
To clean the APT database:
sudo apt-get clean or sudo apt-get autoclean
To have a good clear up:
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get update
To update installed applications:
sudo apt-get upgrade
To install the 'cheese' package:
sudo apt-get install cheese
To remove the 'cheese' package:
sudo apt-get remove cheese
To clean the APT database:
sudo apt-get clean or sudo apt-get autoclean
To have a good clear up:
sudo apt-get autoremove
Monday, 1 March 2010
Copy Windows desktop shortcuts from one profile to another - script
@echo off
REM Script to set new user desktop icons
@ECHO Hello %username%
@ECHO This Script will set up your desktop icons
SET /p name= Please enter the username for the profile you want ot copy icons from…?
if “%allusersprofile%”==”C:\ProgramData” goto WinVista7
if %os%==Windows_NT goto WinXP
@ECHO Windows 7 or Vista Operating System Detected
REM If Windows Vista or WIndows 7
copy C:\Users\%name%\Desktop C:\Users\%username%\Desktop
@echo I’m Done!
@Echo Windows XP Operating System Detected
REM If Windows XP
copy “C:\Documents and Settings\%name%\Desktop
” “C:\Documents and Settings\%username%”
@echo I’m Done!
@echo off
REM Script to set new user desktop icons
@ECHO Hello %username%
@ECHO This Script will set up your desktop icons SET /p name= Please enter the username for the profile you want ot copy icons from…?
if “%allusersprofile%”==”C:\ProgramData” goto WinVista7if %os%==Windows_NT goto WinXP
CLS@ECHO Windows 7 or Vista Operating System Detected
REM If Windows Vista or WIndows 7
copy C:\Users\%name%\Desktop C:\Users\%username%\Desktop
@echo I’m Done!
REM Script to set new user desktop icons
@ECHO Hello %username%
@ECHO This Script will set up your desktop icons SET /p name= Please enter the username for the profile you want ot copy icons from…?
if “%allusersprofile%”==”C:\ProgramData” goto WinVista7if %os%==Windows_NT goto WinXP
CLS@ECHO Windows 7 or Vista Operating System Detected
REM If Windows Vista or WIndows 7
copy C:\Users\%name%\Desktop C:\Users\%username%\Desktop
@echo I’m Done!
CLS@Echo Windows XP Operating System Detected
REM If Windows XP
copy “C:\Documents and Settings\%name%\Desktop” “C:\Documents and Settings\%username%”
@echo I’m Done!
CLS@Echo Windows XP Operating System Detected
REM If Windows XP
copy “C:\Documents and Settings\%name%\Desktop” “C:\Documents and Settings\%username%”
@echo I’m Done!
Windows DNS Servers records become stale and get deleted
To prevent manually added DNS names assign to static IP hosts from being deleted (automatic scavenging) use the following guidelines:
Best practice is usually to leave the no-refresh and refresh intervals to 7 days each. 1 day will result in to much scavenging activity and records may be deleted before they are refreshed. Do your servers have static ip addresses, they should not be configured by DHCP. Servers configured with static ip addresses will refresh their dns records often enough (every 24 hours i believe) to negate the possibility of being scavenged assuming the scavenging period is set appropriately, i.e. not less than the DHCP lease time. This is so that machines with dynamic addresses are not at risk of having their record deleted from DNS.
Postfix - prevent certain domains from sending to your server
Add the following line in /etc/postfix/
- smtpd_sender_restrictions = hash:/etc/postfix/access
then modify the access text file in /etc/postfix/ to include the list of rejected senders (similar to below)
Then open a terminal window and ‘re-hash’ the access file with the following command
- postmap hash:/etc/postfix/access
Now restart Postfix
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Download a website using WGET on Linux
wget --wait=20 --limit-rate=20K -r -p -U Mozilla
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Noatime and atime attribute on Linux
Linux records information about when files were created and last modified as well as when it was last accessed. There is a cost associated with recording the last access time. The ext2 file system of Linux has an attribute that allows the super-user to mark individual files such that their last access time is not recorded. This may lead to significant performance improvements on often accessed frequently changing files such as the contents of the /var/spool/news directory.
Linux has a special mount option for file systems called noatime that can be added to each line that addresses one file system in the /etc/fstab file.
If a file system has been mounted with this option, reading accesses to the file system will no longer result in an update to the atime information associated with the file like we have explained above.
The importance of the noatime setting is that it eliminates the need by the system to make writes to the file system for files which are simply being read.
Since writes can be somewhat expensive, this can result in measurable performance gains. Note that the write time information to a file will continue to be updated anytime the file is written to.
In our example below, we will set the noatime option to our /chroot file system.
Edit the fstab file vi /etc/fstab and add in the line that refer to /chrootfile system the noatime option after the defaults option as show below:
/dev/sda7 /chroot ext2 defaults,noatime 1 2
You need not reboot your system for the change to take effect, just make the Linux system aware about the modification you have made to the /etc/fstab file. This can be accomplished with the following commands:
/#mount -oremount /chroot/
Monday, 8 February 2010
Using Winaudit to audit PC's to SQL Database
- Download the Winaudit application from
- Setup a SQL DB for audits
- Create a windows user who has 'write' rights
- copy winaudit folder and application into root of c drive
- create odbc connect (on pc to be audited) to sql db using designated windows user
- create winaudit script and schedule as follows and save to root winaudit folder, then schedule auto-run of this script
winaudit /r=report /o=ODBC /f=ODBC connector name /u=user /p=password
Server: SQL Server name
DB: Database Name
Friday, 5 February 2010
Changing WIndows NIC binding order - Win Serv 2008
If an additional NIC is added to a Windows server the binding order will change. This may stop services like Documentum from functioning. To change the Adapter order in Windows Server 2008:
Control Panel
Network and Sharing Center
(left hand pane) – Manage Network Connections
(on toolbar for window) Advanced > Advanced Settings
On the Adapters and Bindings Tab the order of the NIC’s can be changed. Make any data IP NIC’s top of the list, iSCSI and others further down the list
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Gobbler's Knob
Bad news from Gobbler's Knob. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow so it's six more weeks of winter...
Linux - split and rejoin large files
In Linux it is possible to split big files, say ISO's into smaller, user defined chunks. For example, to split a 5Gb ISO into 250Mb chunks, open a bash terminal and type:
split -b250m filename.ISO iso-split
When run the filename>ISO file is split into 250 MegaByte chunks and iso-split is prefix of generated file(s).
To restore the file(s) back into one chunk type:
cat iso-split* > NEWFILENAME
If you need to rejoin the file in windows then go to a command prompt and type:
type filepart1 filepart2 > filefull
Where filepart1, 2 etc are the chunks made by the linux split command
split -b250m filename.ISO iso-split
When run the filename>ISO file is split into 250 MegaByte chunks and iso-split is prefix of generated file(s).
To restore the file(s) back into one chunk type:
cat iso-split* > NEWFILENAME
If you need to rejoin the file in windows then go to a command prompt and type:
type filepart1 filepart2 > filefull
Where filepart1, 2 etc are the chunks made by the linux split command
Friday, 22 January 2010
Linux - Run multiple commands together
Just create your script or from command line put && between commands. This logical operator 'and' will run the first command, then if successful will run the second. If the first fails the command chain will stop. i.e.
./configure && make && make install
The other logical operator available is || this means 'or' for example, run a script and if it fails print a warning, i.e.
./some_script || echo "The script isn't working!"
./configure && make && make install
The other logical operator available is || this means 'or' for example, run a script and if it fails print a warning, i.e.
./some_script || echo "The script isn't working!"
Linux - export system info
Just open up a terminal and do the following:
uname -a >system.txt
lspci >>system.txt
lspci -vv >>system.txt
uname -a >system.txt
lspci >>system.txt
lspci -vv >>system.txt
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Convert AAC or M4A to MP3 format
Seeing as I don't like Apple much, I had some music that needed converting. My old friend Linux Mint was used again.
for i in *.m4a; do
echo "Converting: ${i%.m4a}.mp3"
faad -o - "$i" | lame - "${i%.m4a}.mp3"
- Just fire up Synaptic and add the Lame and FAAD packages
- Create a new shell script with the following text:
for i in *.m4a; do
echo "Converting: ${i%.m4a}.mp3"
faad -o - "$i" | lame - "${i%.m4a}.mp3"
- save the script as mp42mp3
- copy the file to the /bin/ folder and make it executable (you will need to sudo)
- Open a terminal window in the folder you wish to convert M4A's and type m4a2mp3 and the script will convert all the files to MP3
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